Anti-Barking Device

What is the best anti-barking device out there for dogs who are just a little too loud a little too often? Let's take a look

By Rick Gonzales | Published

anti-barking device

If you are one of the millions of pet owners, more specifically dogs, across the nation, then you might be familiar with the following scenario. You get up in the morning for work to be greeted by Joey, your little rat chihuahua dog. Then again, you might be greeted by Meat Loaf, your overgrown Mastiff. Chances are you land somewhere in between but regardless, you go through your paces with “man’s best friend” right by your side. Morning routine complete, you head off to work, assuring your pooch you’ll be back. After a long hard day, you return only to find a note on your door stating, “Your dog is driving me crazy and won’t stop barking. Do something.” First off, you think “they must be mistaken, my dog doesn’t bark.” Secondly, you think, “okay, maybe he does.” Is it time for an anti-barking device?


Let’s first define what exactly a “device” is. Some may think an anti-barking device would be a collar and they would be correct. Some may also think an ultrasonic deterrent and they would also be right. But there are also sprays that can help with stopping dogs from barking, though if you are away at work for the say, a spray probably won’t help.


anti barking device

The reason dogs bark is that it is their way of communicating. They typically fall into six different categories as to why they bark. These are territorial, attention-seeking, separation anxiety, fear, frustration, and excitement. With so many reasons to make noise, it’s why folks have shifted to anti-barking devices over the years.

Territorial dogs are compelled to protect you. Anything that gets near the house will receive a healthy dose of the yips. Attention-seekers crave just that. Their bark is the “look at me” or “play with me” sort, but it is nonstop. If your dog has separation anxiety, you will know. Well, then again, you may not hear it once you leave the house for the day. Your neighbors will know, though, hence the need for an anti-barking device. Your dog will let it fly if they are frustrated. This also takes on the appearance of separation anxiety. A dog that barks for fear could also be territorial. A stranger at the door may cause this fear or a family member or friend of who the dog is unsure. Most dogs love to bark their excitement. This can be controlled (hopefully) while you are in their presence, but sometimes it can’t.

The bottom line here is that if you own a dog, then be prepared for it to bark and be prepared to get an anti-barking device. Now, if you just so happen to live in a place where there is plenty of space for your dog to roam, or you have an abode that has a lot of distance between you and your closest neighbor, then a barking dog may not cause you any trouble, unless, of course, you are home with the never-ending barker and it becomes an annoyance.

Although it can be irritating, you may first want to determine if your dog is a normal barker or one of those excessive barkers for which you need an anti-barking device. Figuring this out is key to how you will approach handling this problem. A normal barker can set you on edge, especially if your dog’s barking is ill-timed. But it is something you can get used to, especially if it is when strangers are at the door.

But those on the “excessive” end of the spectrum can be much more difficult to deal with. They have a hair trigger and stamina that is most impressive. If a fly lands on the screen door, your dog goes virtually apoplectic. When the sprinkler goes on in the front yard, your dog hits the high notes, the low notes, and everything in between.

So, let’s assume your best friend is an excessive barker. While you are petering about the home, you don’t get much of that, an occasional woof or two, but nothing that would lead you to believe Fido has a barking disorder. So, that note comes as a massive shock to your system. How? Why? When? But the biggest mystery is the What, as in “What” are you going to do about it? It is probably time for an anti-barking device, right?


It is finally time to start researching anti-barking devices and this is where we will lend a helping hand. We are going to take a look at devices of all sorts that can help in tempering your dog’s desire to bark and bark and bark and bark. These are in no particular order.


anti barking device

PRICE – $38.22 on Amazon.

WHY WE LIKE IT – If you are looking for a premium anti-barking device, the Petsafe Outdoor Ultrasonic Bark Control is for you. This device will set up nicely in your backyard. It has the appearance of a birdhouse but emits an ultrasonic sound up to 50 feet. Simple to use, you just point it in the direction you think your dog will be barking and turn it on. The device has multiple range settings that allow you to adjust its sensitivity. It is weatherproof and very durable for outdoor use.


PRICE – $16.95 on Chewy.

WHY WE LIKE IT – For this device, you will need to be with your pet as it isn’t something that can be used while you’re away at work. The citronella spray works as a great anti-bark device. It can be used to stop a dog from barking and if you so happen to come across a more aggressive dog, it will stop them as well. While it will stop a dog from barking, the spray has also been found to be very safe for animals. A full can will give you a 10-foot continuous stream for up to 12 seconds.


PRICE – $89.95 on Amazon.

WHY WE LIKE IT – This collar is filled with citronella spray and is very effective for those little dogs who just love to yap. Actually, the collar is built for dogs 8 pounds up to 55 pounds, but is more effective on the smaller variety. When put on the dog, a bark will cause the device to emit a short citronella spray that will silence the dog.


PRICE – $20.99 on Amazon.

WHY WE LIKE IT – Another outdoor device that emits an ultrasonic sound and is considered one of the better anti-bark devices on the market. This device can be used on any size dog and once set up, it has a 50-foot range with four adjustable sound settings.


anti barking device

PRICE – $23.99 on Chewy.

WHY WE LIKE IT – This anti-barking device is handheld, so again, you will need to be near your pet for it to work. It emits an ultrasonic sound that your yapping dog will not care for, stopping the barks. It has a range of 30 feet, making it a nice anti=barking device option.


The one thing you don’t see above is a shock collar. They are inhumane ways of treating dogs, so they are most definitely not recommended. Other than that, the above anti-bark devices have all been proven to do the job, though it comes down to just how persistent your dog is. You may find out you will have to test out a few anti-bark devices to finally get your pooch to stop torturing the neighbors. If you are lucky, though, the first time will be the charm and you and your best friend can continue enjoying life in the fast lane.